Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thom Yorke attending COP15/Best of the decade: Radiohead - 'Idioteque'

For the past two weeks Copenhagen, the home of three of us, has had the attention from the entire world due to the UN Climate Conference COP15. Not much indie-related stuff there, you might think. But Pitchfork reports that the one and only Thom Yorke has managed to sneak in to witness the negotiations at first hand.

I don't know how much Mr. Yorke actually knows about climate change but he is pissed for sure. Perhaps his passion about the matter is related to a former unpleasant experience with fossil fuel (pictured.... sorry;-).

If you don't have the spirit to read through his reports, enjoy this video as it appears that he wrote a song about COP15 way back in the Kid A-era (2000). Bad picture quality, excellent song:

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