Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Old man take a look at yourself...

In the latest Uncut Magazine Paul Simon has some comments on the rock icons still going strong. 'The Rolling Stones are incredibly entertaining, but they're not acting their age. They're parodying what they were and that's what people want to see'! Well, I guess he is kind of right. On the other hand he gives credit to artists like Bob Dylan and Tom Waits for still being truely inovative and to Neil Young for being sincere in his anger towards Bush. And damm he is right. I think he could calmly ad Elvis Costello at the list of artist who do not sell out. And the question remains... How about Paul Simon himself?

Buy the re-released Costello albums for only 6.99£ at Play
Take a look at the rich and interesting Neil Young anti-Bush site here. See also preview on a documentary on the Living with War- Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young tour going on in the states right now and listen to his latest album.
Pre-order the new Dylan here. Release the August 28.
And good bless mr. Waits for being Tom Waits.

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