Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tom Waits: Take Me Home

While being busy at work I just had to take a break. Often these moments leads to some kind of severe procrastination, but today I hit a gem quite fast on my way into the web while on this little break.

This song is Take Me Home by Tom Waits from french tv in 1982, performed on a show called "Reportage". The song is from the soundtrack to Francis Ford Coppola movie One from the Heart. The album, and I quote sources on this: " constructed as a dialog between lovers in a fitful emotional spiral, Waits raspy growl is the perfect counterpoint to Gayle's own gutsy, surprisingly bluesy diva turns"

I'm not familiar with this album, but I know that Take Me Home is a very sweet and emotional song. It kind of just punches you Bruce Lee-way in the heart. At least a very good way to spend only 2 small minutes.

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