Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The 20 Worst Songs of 2010

I don't wanna write to much about the 20 worst songs of 2010, because they already did @ the blog section on Village Voice. It's honestly brilliant. List-stuff on blogs usually just are links and no effort. This is not. This is ranting at its finest. You can agree or disagree on the compilation, but one thing is for certain. The Village Voice guy hates these songs.

I can only spoil that Train - Hey, Soul Sister is THE worst song of 2010. Why? Listen to it! Numerous of reasons. One of them: It's pretty much the whitest song to ever have the word "soul" in it, and that includes Death Cab's "Soul Meets Body. Another: Train, you owe us 20 seconds of our lives back, and we owe All-American Rejects a cut of our vast F2K10 riches. And the ukulele. The fuck?

Read the piece on Train and the other 19 worst songs. It's worth it. What are yours?

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