Monday, December 13, 2010

Our top 10 for 2010 is on the way, but...

The list you all have been waiting for the past year is on the way. Wuhuu. Yes, you're right, it is of course the Indie Laundry Best of 2010, which probably has left you excited out of your mind the last few weeks (sleepless, drinking to much, unable to work, eat and other things deemed to obscene to mention here). Or not. Maybe you're just thinking "the indie what" or "not again". Well, either way, it should be here soon. But until then you can - depending on your perspective - get yourself calmed or excited with these more or less qualified lists at Meta Critic. Among others seems Deerhunter to be popular on the "Meta Critic" lists.

But do you reckon Meta Critic told you a bit to few news. Then you should take a look at The Pop Cop. Here you're getting told otherwise. The on Indie Laundry aforementioned Endor clocks in at number 2. Number one in the perspective of The Pop Cop is Admiral Fallow:

Admiral Fallow | Myspace Music Videos

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