Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Air "Pocket Symphony" leaked to torrent sites

The new Air album "Pocket Symphony", set to be released March 6th, has leaked to torrent sites such as There's no doubt that the album was either leaked by someone that's close to the band or involved with the distribution process.

I ran a search on the hype machine and found that blogs are already posting tracks from the new album:

  • Redhead Girl
  • One Hell of a Party (Featuring Jarvis Cocker)
  • Somewhere Between Waking and Sleeping

  • I'm all for torrents, but it must really suck for bands when they can't even keep their own release dates!

    The same thing happened to LCD Soundsystem when their new album "Sound of Silver", set to be released on March 20th, was leaked in December.


    Anonymous said...

    There have been incidents before, where bands/recordcompanies have leaked tracks to torrentsites and blogs as part of the album marketing.
    But an entire album? It sure smells like pirates to me.

    Anonymous said...

    Anyway, I will buy CD when it´s out in store.